
At San Ramon Dental Excellence, we commonly have patients ask about veneers. Veneers are thin, tooth-colored shells placed over real teeth to help improve the aesthetics of a person’s smile. They can mask discoloration, irregular shape or small gaps. In our office, these shells are typically made from porcelain, composite or ceramic.

Benefits of Veneers:

The steps to this treatment sometimes include removing a layer of enamel from the tooth. Our doctors will then take impressions of your teeth to send to the lab to create your customized veneers. You will  be given the opportunity to see what the shape of the final veneers will look like. The lab will also carefully color match the veneers to your other teeth to ensure cohesion.  The veneer is then bonded to the tooth using very strong adhesive.

After the veneers are cemented, it is important that you maintain good oral hygiene and carefully brush and floss around the veneers. It is also best to avoid biting into hard foods which could cause damage to the veneers.

If you are interested in veneers, please contact our office at 925-866-8890 to schedule a consultation to determine if this is the right option for you.

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